Fiction Foundry
Fiction Foundry

Really Out of Ideas is the 7th episode of This Show of Gorge.



Curiousgorge66 is laying in his bed, out of ideas. He then calls Reggie over the phone to see what's going on. Reggie explains that he's really out of ideas. Curiousgorge66 hangs up.

Meanwhile, Curiousgorge66's Adventures is on TV and it shows Gorge about to send Dores into the Sun. But then Tara Strong and PB&Jotterisnumber1 visit the studio. PB&Jotterisnumber1 asks Curiousgorge66 what is wrong, and Curiousgorge66 explains that he is out of ideas. PB&Jotterisnumber1 asks Curiousgorge66 if she could borrow his pencil, and Curiousgorge66 lets her borrow it. PB&Jotterisnumber1 writes a number (21) and Gorge arrives. Gorge tells him that he has an entire list of plots his creator can work with, and he gives PB&Jotterisnumber1 a list of new plots Curiousgorge66 can work with. PB&Jotterisnumber1 felt shocked by the number of plots before Timmy and Sophie pulled Gorge back into his world.

TBA, Rare writes.


  • Curiousgorge66: I am out of ideas for my show. Why is this?



