Fiction Foundry
Fiction Foundry
Powertoon Logo
Launched April 2nd 2014
Picture format 1080i (HDTV)
Slogan "Where the pow is"
Country United States
Language English
Broadcast area United States


Powertoon is an American cable and satellite television channel made by PowerCable Productions. It airs kids series but in midnight PowerAdult airs Teen & Adult series. It has it's parental advisory rating system. Curiousgorge66 has revived the channel in December 2014. 

In 2017, it was announced that Mystical Entertainment have bought the channel and is planning it on making it a science fiction/horror/action based channel.

Rating System[]

These are the rating systems. 



You can add some! Just make sure it's not adultish.

Screen Bugs[]

Add some if you want to, don't add in adult shows!

Suggest a show![]

Hey guys! I just need suggestions so that the channel will be larger! So suggest here!


Show Name Show By: (Show creator) Suggestion By: (Suggester)

